oh dear!|oh dear in English

oh my!, goodness me!, goodness gracious!, alas!

Use "oh dear!|oh dear" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "oh dear!|oh dear" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "oh dear!|oh dear", or refer to the context using the word "oh dear!|oh dear" in the English Dictionary.

1. Oh, dear!

2. Oh, dear.

3. Oh, dear me.

4. Oh, dear, the black fox.

5. Oh, dear, poor little tyke.

6. Oh dear hasn't time flown!

7. My dog died. --Oh, dear.

8. Oh dear! What's happened now?

9. Oh dear, I've broken the lamp.

10. Oh dear, still on " aardvark ", are we?

11. Oh dear, I've mislaid my glasses again.

12. Oh, dear, what a blunderbuss I am!

13. Oh, Ra, dear Ra, please, help us!

14. Oh, dear me, how are the mighty fallen.

15. " Oh , dear ,'she murmured bleakly, " We owe $ 3 "

16. Oh, dear me, how are the mighty fallen

17. Oh dear, I can't find the meatloaf recipe anywhere.

18. Oh dear, I seem to have misplaced the letter.

19. 23 Oh dear, I've left my knitting on the bus!

20. Zoom : Oh , dear! There is a beer can on riverbank.

21. Oh dear, she's soiling the walls with her dirty hands!

22. 16 Oh , dear ! This is not your schoolbag . It's Lucy's.

23. Ghost: Oh, very droll, dear lad - you will go far.

24. Zoom : Oh , dear! There is a beer can on the riverbank.

25. Oh dear, and he'd thought it was his own animal magnetism.